Saturday 7 March 2009

Dear everybody,

Fewer than 1000 Sumatran tigers still roam the ever reducing forest in Sumatra island in Indonesia (anyway you may confirm the real number in The Forestry Department of Indonesia).
It's been two weeks, we Indonesian people are surprised by attack reports from this endangered species. Eight people have been attacked to death and this number, I assume, might even double since these elusive cats are frequently visiting our yard. A video showing a tiger in local people's village released by a national TV channel recently.
Although some tigers were prosecuted by local people who felt threatened, there has been any real attempts by the authority to save the tigers.
It really is not fair to blame the tigers on the attacks, but local people also have all the reasons to defend their children and domestic animals. I myself cannot describe how terrifying it would be to live under tiger attack threats as I live in Java island.
It is publicly known that changing forest to plantation is the main cause of this dilemma. However, our nature conservation is not yet our government priority and fewer Indonesian elites are concerned about this. Therefore, we don't have so much power to either stop forest reduction or Sumatran tiger killing. Despite our powerless, I and some Indonesian people, who are concerned, certainly love the existence of this elusive species and also our own people. We need help!

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